Ramblings of Another Person

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Four girls and a frog

  • June 14, 2010 3:27 pm

Courtesy of Flickr.com

Darned frogs! They seem to be everywhere this year. Not that I am really complaining, I think their croaking in the evenings is rather relaxing, although fishing them out of the swimming pool is not my idea of fun!

My brother comes in house one morning and says, “as I was walking over I thought I just saw a big frog jump into the pool.” So, I yell back to the oldest of the 3 girls that have been spending time my daughter, “Get your swim suit on, we’re going frog gigging”. Of course, I didn’t really mean frog gigging, thank goodness she didn’t know what the term actually meant.

So, out the door I go, my brother who is standing at the pool points to where he saw it…and I grab the net. The pumps are on and the pool needs to be vacuumed so, with the toys, and other paraphernalia in the bottom of the pool, I wasn’t sure where the frog was.  All four girls come out the door, the 2 oldest (Kassie 11 and Shyla 10)  in their swim suits and my daughter (Cora 6) and the other younger one (Destiny 7) still in their pj’s. I told Kassie to get her mask and see if she can see where the frog is. So she gets in with Shyla right behind her, both in frog hunting mode.

Suddenly, Kassie and Shyla both come up and and Kassie screams…”It’s HUGE”. By then, I have spotted it and have the net in the water trying to catch it. When Shyla pipes in and says, “Kassie, it’s under you!” At this point Kassie lets out one of those blood curdling screams and sounds just like a girl, (yes I know she’s a girl, but to tell her…that is another story).

I spot the frog, swoop down on it with the net and low and behold it actually jumped into the net…Kassie must have scared it as much as it scared her! up comes the net and WOW…what an ENORMOUS FROG! He was as big as a softball…I’m sorry, don’t get me wrong, frogs are cute when they are little, but G-R-O-S-S…who the heck want to keep a frog that big?!

So we let him go in the back yard, I am sure that it is not the last we will see of him, there are too many cute little female frogs around to entertain him with their musical croakings.