Ramblings of Another Person

Random knowledge shared, laughed at, wondered about, considered and discarded
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What’s New?

  • July 5, 2010 2:59 am

Ok, so I have been remiss in my blogging duties…did you miss me? I did! I HATE getting sick…and to feel like a yo-yo is definitely no fun. Sick, not sick, sick, not sick…4 weeks is ENOUGH!

So, what’s new…well first let me tell you about the strange illness. I woke up one morning with a slight sore throat. No big deal actually, after all the pollen count was so high that I wasn’t surprised by it. I worked with my daughter and some of her friends painting her playhouse most of the day, and my sore throat abated. Later, while having dinner, I began to feel just a little funny. I didn’t really feel sick, but I didn’t feel like eating my dinner either. A couple hours passed and my sore throat was back with a vengeance.

The next morning I woke up with a throat that was so sore I could barely swallow and a fever to boot. I should state here, that I really didn’t wake up, I kind of rolled over groaned and stayed put in bed…where I pretty much slept for the next 36 hours! My temperature ranged from 104 to 106 (my brains were already fried, so no need to worry there), according to the digital thermometer. When I got up on Monday, I felt much better… and I was also 10 pounds lighter. However, the sore throat was still lingering.

For the next 2 weeks I battled the sore throat and took antibiotics. Then it started getting worse again, so I called the doctors office and arranged to go to his office the next morning. The next morning arrived and my throat was so sore I was having a hard time swallowing anything…AND I could barely breathing!

Off to the doctor I go, when I arrive I am seen pretty quickly and after the nurse practioner takes one look at my throat, they immediately give me a steroid shot. She says that she is amazed that I am breathing at all. She keeps me around to make sure the steroid is going to work and then gives me some prescriptions to fight the strange infection. She has confirmed that it is not strep, mono or tonsillitis…however, she really doesn’t know either, a very strange infection even for her.

So, I go through another fever spell and some more sleep (no weight loss this time…RATS!) and I am feeling much much MUCH better! Sore throat is gone, fever is broken and energy is back…WOOHOOOO…FINALLY I can get back to life, the pool, painting the play house, going to the gym and working out…and most importantly…taking care of my clients, who have really suffered, because I have not been available to write as much as normal for them.

I took the Cora and Katt out for a short camping trip, we had a wonderful time and loads of fun. On the last day before heading back home, we decided to go tubing. It’s actually loads of fun and a little white water never hurt anyone…says me…Soooooooooooo….

We get home and the next morning I woke up with a migraine. Never had one of those before and I NEVER want to have one again! All day long I do what I normally do and battle this migraine. The next day, I woke up with a migraine…oh man! This is worse that the previous day. The third day I woke up and once again, I had a MIGRAINE! This had to STOP! I lived my life for 3 days feeling like my head was going to explode and barely able to smile for the kids…my friends are avoiding me because my migraine is making me not a very fun person to be around to put it nicely! So day 4 and day 5 are pretty much a re-run of the first 3 days of the week, so I went to the chiropractor.

The chiropractor takes one look at my neck and say…”I’m surprised you don’t have one hell of a headache, with your neck out of whack the way it is.” Hmmmm….me thinks maybe I should go to the doctors when things first happen instead of waiting and suffering for so long! So, he adjusts my neck and my headache abates a little and becomes more manageable. That doesn’t last long! The next morning it’s back! Darned neck!! I promised the girls a girlie day, so off to the mall we go…mani, pedi, shopping…and an acupressure massage for mommy that will hopefully get rid of this DAMNED headache once and for all!!

The massage felt/hurt so good! The knots and tension seemed to flow out with the magical touch of the acupressurist hands. I got up after an hour and a half and my head was no longer hurting. We called home to see if my lovely husband wanted to join us for a movie and dinner. While we waited for him to arrive, we grabbed the snacks and suddenly I began feeling very hot. Katt felt my forehead and told me that I was extremely hot…here we go again!

Eric arrives, we go into the movie…and I had a hard time keeping my eyes open (good thing it was a horrible movie). I could barely walk, talk or keep my head up, so we left my car at the mall, Eric takes us home and I am put to bed…FEVER…AGAIN!

So last night that fever broke, and I woke up without the headache I had been experiencing for the past week…no so throat, no headache…is it too much to ask that the crud has decided to leave me! I hope so…life is too short to be missing all the chances and opportunities that cross a person’s path in a day!

Did I tell you I HATE GETTING SICK?!