Ramblings of Another Person

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Control…or Crap Shoot?

  • October 1, 2014 2:45 pm

It’s been a while since I have made a post about anything. But every now and again something really catches my attention and I just can’t help myself – I have to write what I think. This time it’s about the Ebola outbreak. This is not new, it is not recent – it’s been going on for 10 months and has only in the past couple of months garnered the attention of the US media. My husband and I have been following the outbreak since March, and even then it was old news for the people in Africa. Now that the US media has hold of it, of course it is being made lite of, sensationalized, BS’d about, half told, half lied – it’s really ridiculous! What’s more ridiculous is that the greater majority of people will choose to believe what they are being fed by officials via the media outlets!

Well, here’s my opinion of the current events –

According to WHO, CDC and other officials Ebola is only transmitted by “close contact with bodily fluids”. People this is serious – a sneeze is bodily fluids! Someone not washing their hands and sanitizing after sneezing into them, or wiping their nose, or picking their teeth, or rubbing their eyes, or spitting and wiping their mouth – and then TOUCHING anything is SPREADING BODILY FLUIDS!

I just love how officials say that Ebola patient zero in Dallas was not sick and showing symptoms until he had been here for 4 or so days. Texas Ebola Patient

How do they really know that?

They don’t! They are making assumptions and trying to make very light of this subject. Patient zero could have been feeling ill and having symptoms and the fever could have started AFTER he got on the plane; the officials in Dallas and the CDC would be none the wiser because patient zero might be afraid to tell them ALL the facts – I mean who remembers every single moment of every day of their life to such detail that they can recall EVERY cough, sneeze, spit, yawn gleeking or in this case if he accidentally urinated on the toilet seat on the plane, in the airport or elsewhere. You don’t go from being sick to “critically ill” in 2 days – so the numbers just aren’t adding up!

DO NOT BE FOOLED by partial facts and half lies told by officials via the media outlets. It is their job to keep people calm. HOWEVER, you NEED TO BE AWARE AND PREPARED!!!

The CDC has actually stated in a report that by January 2015 there can be as many 1.4 million deaths from Ebola (Up to 1.4 Million dead)

Well, considering the figures from their own report – it sure doesn’t sound to me like they can, let me see how was it the CDC Director put it, “I have no doubt that we will control this importation or this case of Ebola so that it does not spread widely in this country.”

OMGeeeeeee!!!! In my opinion that in a very asinine statement! I wouldn’t call this “control” – I would think this is more of a crap shoot!

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